Why Chess?
Why Chess in Out-of-School Time?
After school Quality Standards: After school or out-of-school time programming should be “structured, provide a diverse range of programming to enrich learning experiences, promote healthy living and support positive emotional, social and cognitive development.”
Active and Engaged Learning
Research links school engagement and its positive outcomes to out-of-school time programs and extracurricular activities that, like Championship Chess®:
· Provide sequenced, developmentally appropriate skill-building activities
· Promote reflection, critical thinking, problem solving and independent thinking
· Provide a fun and supportive environment
· Build on participants’ natural strengths and developmental assets and foster self-confidence
· Provide an intentional link to school-day learning
· Provide new opportunities that students may not have access to during the school day
· Build life skills
Linkages to the School Day and Common Core State Standards
After school activities should align with and enrich academic standards and STEM requirements. Championship Chess® methods and materials address the standards and allow time for independent and self-directed study and play. Chess has a direct link to the habits of minds identified within mathematical practices and STEM requirements:
· Problem solving skills
· Abstract reasoning
· Constructing viable arguments and critiquing the reasoning of others
· Looking for and making use of structure and pattern
· Looking for and expressing regularity in repeated reasoning
Behavioral Health: Physical and Emotional Well-being
Learning and playing chess contributes to psychological and emotional growth.
· Promotes positive social-emotional development
· Promotes character development and healthy choices
Relationships, Culture and Diversity
Chess clubs and teams cross cultural, gender, academic and age differences and “speak” an international language.
· Build positive and supportive relationships
· Build self-esteem and self-confidence
· Create chances for open communication and participation community-wide
· Build strong family engagement practices
· Model and reinforce positive behavior